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Effect of probiotics or prebiotics on thyroid function: A meta-analysis of eight randomized controlled trials

Effect of probiotics or prebiotics on thyroid function: A meta-analysis of eight randomized controlled trials

As humans, we used to come into contact with these organisms frequently with the harvesting of foods and with the use of well water. This is important because most probiotic species are considered to be very fragile. And we know that not all of these probiotics are created equal. More iodine can send an already over-active thyroid into hyperdrive.

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The lack of variation in both circulating hormone levels and THs tissue effect is consistent with the absence of differences in the therapeutic needs between groups and among visits. Nevertheless, a significant difference considering LT4 adjustments required in the two groups was found. Interestingly, controls needed significantly higher LT4 dose adjustments in comparison with cases, even if no changes in the mean LT4 daily dose occurred. We speculate that concomitant probiotics intake could increase the stability in thyroid function compensation. Thus, gut microbiota modification could allow an increased LT4 bioavailability, drawing from the THs intestinal reservoir through enterohepatic recycle.

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Risk of bias (ROB) analysis highlighting results in all domains examined within the nine identified studies (A) and overall risk of bias for included studies (B). I also mentioned spore-based probiotics, how they help some people and not others. Not as much research on spore-based probiotics as others, but more research is coming out about probiotics in general. As far as the future of probiotics, there is definitely room for improvement. They could do more as far as matching the action of a specific probiotic strain to the condition being treated or the physiology in need of adjustment. There is a website ProbioticAdvisor.com by Dr. Jason Hawrelak.

Secondly, the difficulty to evaluate probiotics treatment compliance is another notable limit. The sachets counting expresses an estimation of therapeutic compliance, but differences in microbiota composition and enzymatic activity before and after probiotics ingestion were not evaluated. Moreover, the compliance should be measured considering dietary assessment, which was not recorded in our trial. Furthermore, despite 2 months treatment period seems to be appropriate to modify gut microbiota (50, 51), it is not possible to confirm the exact time-interval needed to obtain a significant change in microbiota composition. Thus, further trials using higher probiotics concentration for longer time should be considered.

Thyroid-Gut-Axis: How Does the Microbiota Influence Thyroid Function?

Representing the synthetic equivalent of native tetraiodothyronine (T4), LT4 modulates the same biological functions (2). Additionally, those with SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth) will need to avoid many probiotics, especially those containing prebiotics, as they will just be adding fuel to the fire. Spore-based probiotics came on my radar after some colleagues reported seeing excellent results while using them with their clients. Spore-based probiotics are naturally occurring and have a unique mechanism of action, which allows them to directly modulate the gut microbiome. 21 Please note that most individuals with autoimmunity are not considered immunocompromised.

  • Additionally, the duration of treatment in many trials was relatively short.
  • When choosing probiotics, it’s important to know that they’re not all created equally.
  • The gut microbiota has the capacity to produce various neurotransmitters, such as dopamine, which can regulate the hypothalamus-pituitary axis (HPA) and inhibit TSH 15.
  • Thus, probiotics should influence the deiodinases activity, temporarily reducing the feedback.
  • Soil-based organisms are backed by plenty of research studies showing their safety and benefits (5) in treating conditions like constipation, diarrhea, H.

Some people who have had symptoms have had them resolved while taking spore-based probiotics. I have had people where it didn’t really make a difference. Now, I’d like to talk about the genus, species, and strain. When I mentioned Lactobacillus or Bifidobacterium, that is an example of the genus.

You can have your functional medicine doctor order this test for you. I also have a few different channels set up where you can self-order the GI-MAP and GI Effects tests — these are Direct Labs and Rupa. People with autoimmunity have been found to have lower amounts of the probiotic bacteria Lactobacillus and Bifidus, and higher amounts of the opportunistic E. A leaky gut has gaps in its lining that allow irritating molecules and substances to escape from the digestive system and enter into the bloodstream. This irritation can interrupt the immune system’s ability to regulate itself, and put the body into a perpetual “attack mode” that is counterproductive to healing.

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This study is done to assess whether probiotics may affect absorption of levothyroxine. High-dose, multi-strain probiotics can be very helpful for people with Hashimoto’s in general, and especially for those who often show low levels of them on gut lab tests. However, synthroid lactation they may be problematic for people with SIBO, which can be caused by an overgrowth of various bacteria, including Lactobacillus and Streptococcus bacteria — often found in probiotics.

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Meanwhile, studies have shown that consuming probiotics does not interfere with levothyroxine absorption³ if taken two hours after taking levothyroxine. Thus, it will not affect your treatment or result in a loss of stability of thyroid levels. A few strains of lactobacillus have proven to be beneficial.

· 20 stycznia 2025 · 05:27